Ask for an integrated skill
Ask students to integrate a related skill. In the real world, questions rarely isolate a skill precisely. To prepare students for that, try responding to mastery of one skill by asking students to integrate the skill with others recently mastered:
Teacher: Who can use the word stride in a sentence?
Student: “I stride down the street.”
Teacher: Can you add some detail to show more about what stride means?
Student: “I stride down the street to buy some milk at the shop.”
Teacher: Can you add an adjective to modify street?
Student: “I stride down the wide street to buy some milk at the shop.”
Teacher: Good, now can you add a compound subject to your sentence?
Student: “My brother and I stride down the wide street to buy some milk at the shop.”
Teacher: And can you put that in the past tense?
Student: “My brother and I strode down the wide street to buy some milk at the shop.”
Teacher: Those were very challenging questions Charlie, and look how well you handled them!